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Questions tagged [microsoft-excel]

A spreadsheet application by Microsoft. Use this tag along with [vba] if your question involves programming Excel in VBA, and with [worksheet-function] if it involves an Excel formula or worksheet function. Also add the the specific version tag (e.g. [microsoft-excel-2019] or [microsoft-excel-365]) as features and functions may vary between them.

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Need Help Migrating A Drop Down List From One Workbook To Another

I need some help migrating a drop down list and the data selected from that list to another workbook. I have a list of people that need to be contacted each week, with an updated file that is sent to ...
Ok-Fly-9373's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Excel function for filtering a list of substrings to include & exclude

Excel function where if any row values in column A include a keyword from the list in column D but does not include a keyword from the list in column E, write True, otherwise, write nothing/keep it ...
Lia's user avatar
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Excel Index(Small(IF Issue

I'm looking to improve a formulas. The formula is: =IFERROR(INDEX(IndexColumn,SMALL(IF(MilestoneColumn=TODAY(),ROW(MilestoneColumn)-ROW(MilestoneColumnFirstCellLocked)+1),ROWS(...
JD Foshee's user avatar
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Cascade formatting Excel formula

I use Excel and Smartsheet a lot and make some very complex nested formulas. Because these are written in sheets rather than in any kind of IDE, there is little or no formatting to them for legibility,...
Spencer Barnes's user avatar
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Excel XLOOKUP with Wildcards - Functionality Change

I'm playing with XLOOKUP with wildcards (Match_Mode 2). I believe it used to be if you want it to return results where a item in that excel it was = =XLOOKUP(""&"Text"&&...
BradR's user avatar
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How to keep a constant number of line on a page after a macro modify the sheet

I am working on a page to list mechanical part and all the possible variations of components of that part, some of this have more than 21 lines. When I use the macro the lines with value 0 are removed ...
Gabriel's user avatar
-1 votes
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I have created a chart in Excel but the percentage bar length is not increasing

I have created a chart in Excel but the percentage bar length is not increasing. All data is fine in chart, only the bars length is the issue.
Fahad's user avatar
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Double XLOOKUP in Excel

I have an Excel-workbook containing two sheets: One sheet contains the names of students with their evaluation And a second sheet containing the "mappings" between the criteria and the ...
Sam's user avatar
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Fill in missing data from date series in Excel

I have a set of data that looks like this when imported: I would like two transformations: Missing dates filled in to ensure all dates between the start and end dates are accounted for. Note the ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Excel: Worksheet.Calculate causes UDF to run infinitely

I have written a udf returns an array that is inserted at the cell location. the udf can be long running as it reaches out to a rest service to fetch data from a database. so i added a button on my ...
mike01010's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Excel Formula that increment every 3 years to the current year [closed]

What formula should i use if the Date hired is increse every 3 years if 2016 is the date hired what is the last increment as of the current year.. that show 2022?
Kristin Mendoza's user avatar
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Exporting excel data with powershell for robocopy

I have on my hand a 300 lines excel sheet with source path and destpath for robocopy, to avoid copy paste all the path on a .bat file I try to make this powershell script: # Import the Excel module ...
Maslie's user avatar
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How to filter Excel list using data validation lists and matrix

I have a table of document names in the first column, and users in the following columns. I'm using the rows beneath each user to assign them documents to review. The list is quite long and I'd like ...
TexxK's user avatar
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Excel treats a date in format (dd-MMM-yy) differently if typed or pasted

This was discovered when opening a file in CSV format that has a column of dates in the format dd-MMM-yy (e.g 20-FEB-24). When opening this file in Excel (Excel 365 desktop) if the 2 year value is <...
FrazzleUK's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Trying to build a quoting tool on excel [closed]

Trying to build a quoting tool on excel. I am aiming for it to allow me to add in different quantity's in column . Then populate from other columns and rows with matching data. To output value. ...
Paul Hair's user avatar
-1 votes
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Excel formula for returning list of values that match criteria

Sheet 1: A B C D E 1 **Category** **TOM** **BOB** **JIM** **TIM** 2 Product 1 1 1 1 0 3 Product 2 ...
MsMath's user avatar
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Assigning Excel add-in macros to ribbon using a relative path

I am trying to create a basic Excel GUI for a Python software which uses Excel spreadsheets as inputs. I have managed to create a basic add-in with a macro which runs the Python code for me. To make ...
Sorade's user avatar
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group by date and get total profit

Excel table i have a data of my closed transaction. i am doing analysis. here we have different lot size with different profit. lot size starts from 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, etc. i want to group ...
shalam mohsen's user avatar
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Text to Columns not working unless each cell is double clicked into

I have a use case where I'm exporting a Windows event log to CSV and then need to split one column's cells into columns based on newlines. As advised in multiple places, I managed to insert a newline ...
mythofechelon's user avatar
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Excel change orientation of linked data

I have a data entry sheet within which my data goes down the columns, D4:d8 for example. But as my data needs to be viewed on charts in date order this leaves me needing sheets in which to organise ...
Danny C's user avatar
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Columns matching in Excel

I have four columns of data. Column A,B & D,E. A&B columns are one set and D&E columns are another set. Both have account number and amount. Both has same account numbers and amounts but ...
Ram's user avatar
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When saving as a PDF document, Excel uses your name as the author for the PDF doc - How to stop it doing this?

I create PDF invoices for my clients from a template I created in Excel. Rather annoyingly, Excel is auto-populating my name in the 'Author' field for the PDF document. The only way to remove it is to ...
Dirkrs's user avatar
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Mail Merge messing decimal places

When using an Excel spreadsheet as input to Word Mail Merge feature, the decimal places get all messed up: 8,1 becomes 8,0999999999999996 7,0 becomes just 7 (commas are the decimal separator, and ...
BsAxUbx5KoQDEpCAqSffwGy554PSah's user avatar
-1 votes
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Excel kpi report restricted

We created employee kpi report in excel with formulas,if i share this on mail then other employees can see another employee details simply entering employee code can we restrict
Naveen Katikidala's user avatar
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Want to create a mega pivot table from data from a matrix with 11 items, and 4 possible answers

I am trying to analyse data from a survey. In my survey I asked a 'matrix' question, with 11 items, and users could give one of 4 possible answers for each item. for example: carrots - i like it | i ...
celery1234's user avatar
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Excel - how to handle custom timestamp format

I have some measurement data from a datalogging software, saved as CSV, and one column contains time stamps like this: 12.04.2024 15:11:32:684 12.04.2024 15:11:35:752 The format of this is:
blrgblrgblrg's user avatar
-1 votes
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Advanced Filtering

My goal here is to filter by a name only. The current filter shows every combination of every name. I would like to simplify this.
Michael Glass's user avatar
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Excel transforming dates ddmmyy to yymmdd

Having a date issue. When I enter date in excel as folles today being 20-04-24 , excel transforme it into 2020-04-24 . So it's mistaking the day for the year.
Ken Johnson's user avatar
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2 problems, complicated copying of data based on a "Number" and dates

The first problem I have is that I have a timestamp in one cell which includes the date and time and I would like to know if there is any automated way to separate them into 2 different columns (Date ...
Rahidir 's user avatar
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Advanced Excel Formula, It's a Doozy

I have a major dilemma i am trying to get to work. Hopefully the hivemind can help me out! In the example i have my reference key which is test 1 - 5 in columns I - K , in Column I i have a drop down ...
Wes Pierce's user avatar
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how can i count paid time off entries on multiple calendars?

I have a paid time off tracker. Each employee has their own calendar year on one sheet. The month "boxes" are small. 7 columns, 6 rows. The data inside those cells is just text with each ...
h.a.s.'s user avatar
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How to average only the values of unique rows in a Pivot Table/Power Pivot

I have a data set that has three columns - a serial number, a category, and a price. Certain serial numbers are listed multiple times in the data set with different categories, but each one always has ...
Maria's user avatar
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Excel needing a scrollable multicolumn table able to be resized vertically not reference to other cells but able to be populated manually

I have a worksheet populated vertically as such Grp = Grouping ob = observation att = attribute ssatt1 = session attribute Grp# Grp object Ob att1 Ob att2 ssatt1 ssatt2 ssatt3 1 ...
Glabella Streamline's user avatar
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Dynamic Addition of two arrays across cells

I have 2 dynamic 2d arrays of equal length n x y. I want to add every entry of row n of the 1st array to every entry of row n of the 2nd array for every row. It will make a n x n spilled 2d array for ...
Osama Anwar's user avatar
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Excel Calculation

Column A has a 'date' in or 'Allocation Block' in Column B has a 'date' in My formula to see how many days are between both is below =(@columnB))-(@columnA) However, how can I ensure if Column A has '...
Sharon's user avatar
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How to Loop cluster / ranges horizontal to vertical via vba [closed]

Newbie here and would like to get a loop working in Microsoft excel. Basically, to arrange clusters / ranges from horizontal to vertical. I have tried transpose function but have not been successful ...
DongM's user avatar
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A formula to select the highest cell in a row that then shows the entire row

I would like to do the following: Find the highest cell in a column in an excel spreadsheet. Display that entire row. I have a spreadsheet that tracks our Walks that shows: Number of Walks (Column A) ...
Neil Paling's user avatar
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How to make a first class function cell in Excel

It is possible in excel to treat a cell akin to a first-class function? For example, the typical behavior would be to set cell C1's value to =A1+B1 which is an immediate execution function. The ...
NWoodsman's user avatar
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Using a matrix constant as input for control elements and validity

Given that you have in Microsoft Excel a matrix constant named Values defined as ={"One","Two","Three"}, how can I use the constant in control elements like listbox or ...
Vince42's user avatar
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Need help using index/match/vlookup

enter image description here I need assistance creating a formula with match statement(s). My current formula isn't reading all my columns and gives me an "N/A" the moment I change "FOB&...
Justin22's user avatar
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How to refer to the range of values of an Excel pivot table from a formula

I've got a pivot table with FieldR in Rows and FieldC in Columns, both with some values selected and others filtered out. I've got Sum of FieldV in Values, with values shown as % of Column Total. I ...
federico.prat's user avatar
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Why don't values fit on the page in editing mode but do actually fit when printing?

In editing mode with the view set on "page break preview" some values don't fit on the page. However, if I go to print, they fit on the page. How does this work? It might not look like it, ...
excelQuestionPerson's user avatar
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Want to give more options in an IF formula

Current formula is =IF(AND(RIGHT(A3,2)="00",B3="Vinyl",H3="No",I3="01 - UMGI",G3="Catalogue"),"8M Block required","None") Instead ...
Sharon's user avatar
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IF formula using vlookup

I am trying to create an IF() formula using VLOOKUP(), my VLOOKUP() is this =VLOOKUP(A14119,'CoO Flags Report'!D:L,9,0) but I want it to state no if the VLOOKUP() finds #N/A
Sharon's user avatar
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How do I sort an Excel sheet vertically = reverse the order of the full sheet = put the sheet bottom up = turn the worksheet upside down?

Data in an Excel sheet needs to be sorted the other way round. I cannot sort the data by the two columns date and time since there are some lines in it that do not have the same pattern, for example ...
questionto42's user avatar
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Linking columns on different sheets

I'm very new to VBA coding (only dabbling for this specific project), so I would really appreciate any advice on an issue I'm having. I'm attempting to independently link multiple column ranges on ...
thtrmus's user avatar
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Hiding "display values", the numbers 45396 are showing where there is no data entered into the cell. How do I hide this?

enter image description here Image for explanation. I used the =days(end,begin) formula to calculate the number of days that has lapsed since servicing. HOW DO I HIDE THE 45396 number?????? Super ...
Taylor Hewitt's user avatar
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What gives Excel/csvs their formatting functionalities?

When I open a csv file by double-clicking it, it opens, and as one would expect, displays the data in a big array of cells with a ribbon of formatting options at the top (Clipboard, Font, Alignment, ...
the_732's user avatar
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How do I get the sum of hours:minutes in MS Excel in the status bar and in a formula if the cells come in with a text format?

I know that there are questions around that are much the same, like Sum the number of hours in Excel, which asks you to format [h]:mm, which I do and it still does not work. Also not so far is How do '...
questionto42's user avatar
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Pivot table in excel: get difference of two rows in original table as a value

I have a huge table that looks something like this: Period Retailer Area Section of people Goods type Metric 1: Quantity sold q1 some dude area1 1 doll 111 q2 some dude area1 1 doll 100 q1 some ...
Stasy's user avatar
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