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Questions tagged [ftp]

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a common protocol for transferring files between computers over networks

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Filename error for TFTP recovery for a damaged embedded device

I have a device that do not start, I connected it to my PC and launched Wireshark. As you can see bellow, the device is asking for a file ends with semi-colon called recovery; to be uploaded through ...
djkidoo's user avatar
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Can I pipe a large file into ftp connection?

I need to create a very large tar file (25GB) and transfer it to another site using ftp. Rather than first creating the tar file and then transferring it, I wonder if its possible to pipe the output ...
oz1cz's user avatar
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Why can I get a ftp file by navigation, but not through full path?

I an trying to download a file from an ftp server that is in a sub-subfolder. I could find in the expected place with FileZilla but my program (trying to download using the full path) gave an error ...
Grollo's user avatar
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Unable to access FTP using Windows Explorer [closed]

I've set up an FTP site on an AWS EC2 Windows Server 2022 using IIS. I can successfully connect using FileZilla, and can read and write using that connection. However, when attempting to access it ...
Artur S.'s user avatar
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Filezilla Server and Client Port 21 enabled?

I wanted to ask if it's enough when I enable the Port 21 on the Filezilla Server or if I also need to enable Port 21 on Filezilla Client? I set up Filezilla Server on my PC, added a User group with a ...
Redoxi's user avatar
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Which ports to open on the firewall for this FTP client connection?

I'm using for the first time today and I'm super happy. On my local machine everything works. On production machine it does not. On production machine there is a ...
Fred Hors's user avatar
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ftp client connects OK, login OK, but a 'list' command returns: Unable to build data connection: No route to host

I am trying to set up an FTP server on a Debian host (11.8). I'm using proftpd as my server. I can connect from the server host to the server (ie both server and client on the same host) ...
Bob's user avatar
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How to Connect VPS via SSH/Putty to FTP and transefer file from FTP to VPS and then delete file

I have a vps (virtual private server) and web hosting control panels is Direct Admin and inner of that have wordpress, email and the backup of the each of that save in server, also another backups ...
Parinaz Mobedi's user avatar
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Dir-3040 ftp server buffer overflow

Originally posted on reddit Dir-3040 ftp issue Dir-3040 latest firmware 1.20b03 with ftp service up and running. Upnp,samba are off. Have no issues uploading small files to usb stick on usb2.0 port. ...
Surepic 342's user avatar
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Where does KNetAttach store connections?

I am trying to restore old ftp and sftp connections from old Kubuntu instances. They were set up using the "Add Network Folder" link in Dolphin which is apparently using knetattach to ...
Michael Scheffenacker's user avatar
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FTP Port redirect using OpenWrt router and windows clients

I'm having problems with FTP port redirection. I have OpenWrt device having two ethernet interfaces. The first one is in network and there is another device with FTP server under 192....
Kal800's user avatar
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3 answers

Is my FTP server being scanned/probed by hackers?

I just recently did a bunch of research on how to set up an FTP server (VSFTPD 3.0.5) and secure it to the point that I feel reasonably comfortable running it out of my closet and exposing it to the ...
Ubunfu's user avatar
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Can not connect to the FTP (hosting) - Windows - port 21 issue

Here is the weird problem I have. I suddenly can't connect to any of my 2 FTP (hosting servers) (port 21) through my Windows 10. It took me two whole days now, and I just can't find out, where the ...
Marko N's user avatar
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How to stop backup being deleted as soon as it is completed?

Duplicity full backup via ftp completes, then is deleted, all with no user action. There are 2 things I would like to know; is there anything in the information below that explains this problem? ...
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Error vsftpd ftp user could download file in any folder of linux server. How to restrict to only home/default folder?

In CentOS Linux server we have ftp software vsftpd, with this config in /etc/vsftpd.conf anonymous_enable=NO local_enable=YES write_enable=YES local_umask=022 dirmessage_enable=YES xferlog_enable=YES ...
Pham X. Bach's user avatar
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ftp port forwarding (i've tried a bunch of solutions)

ASUS router page says When you set 20:21 as your FTP server's port range for your WAN setup, then your FTP server would be in conflict with TUF-AX3000 V2's native FTP server. Virtual Server / Port ...
Sanman99's user avatar
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VSFTPD silently drops connection

vsftpd disconnects client after login without any warnings in logs, /etc/vsftpd.conf anon_mkdir_write_enable=YES anon_root=/home/[username]/Public anon_upload_enable=YES anonymous_enable=YES ...
Yaroslav Mytkalyk's user avatar
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WinSCPSession error in parameter name 'HostName'. How it fix?

I created a script in WindowsPowerShell that sends files from the hard drive to an unsecured FTP server. However, I have an error problem that I don't know how to fix. I have Windows Powershell ...
user3435228's user avatar
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FTP access blocked despite rule opened

I am setting up FTP service on a Win 11 Pro machine. I enabled the FTP rules in Windows Defender Firewall as below: However, on a neighboring PC, I couldn't telnet to port 21. But if I shut down the ...
Old Geezer's user avatar
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Is there an FTP interface for Windows Explorer which uses "incoming" and "outgoing" folders?

I'm trying to support someone with queries about an old FTP server we have. On the server we have a directory specifically set aside, and various files are both read from and written to this directory....
Stewart's user avatar
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Firefox-esr do not connect to local FTP server

I'm learning twisted (python). After having started the FTP server on my Debian machine I tried to get (in the Firefox-esr browser) the list of the files. It had to be the list of files of "./&...
Vladimir Zolotykh's user avatar
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Configuring vsftpd for anonymous uploads to a single folder

Im running a ftp server using vsftpd. this server is an anonymous public server with all the content on it only being able to be downloaded. I want to create a new "uploads" folder, which ...
user22697175's user avatar
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FTP software that tracks hashes of files uploaded last time to speed upload [closed]

Is there any FTP software (I currently use FileZilla on Windows) that hashes all files uploaded... so next time uploading a file os million files... it compares files to hashes and only upload changed/...
Tom's user avatar
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lftp: How to list transfer size before (mirror) operation?

I have an lftp job that is going to transfer a large amount of data (30GB) to a slow remote FTP server. For various reasons, it won't work in one shot (which probably will take days anyway) but has ...
flyingfishfinger's user avatar
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Using FileZilla to connect to an unmapped HDD on home LAN

Two upfront confessions: I am a complete noob with this topic. I may have bought a sledgehammer to crack a nut, perhaps FileZilla is the wrong/too powerful tool. A lot of the relevant terminology I ...
Louis Redux's user avatar
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Cannot connect between 2 sequential public IPs

So far I've been unable to find any solution to this, so here I am. I have 2 different business locations that I am trying to get a connection between with both VPN and FTP. Both sites are with the ...
Sam Hampton's user avatar
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How to enable root login on fedora?

I've followed this guide in order to install an instance of forem on digital ocean. Well, I've succeeded :) But the guide is using a key for login and I'm not able from the core user to access all the ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Why is pure-ftpd-postgresql not connecting to my PostgreSQL database?

I am currently trying to set up a pure-ftpd server with PostgreSQL authentication, but I am unable to get my FTP server to communicate with my database during login. For background, my setup consists ...
Sigma's user avatar
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How to run concurrent (parallel) downloads with lftp?

lftp supposedly supports downloading mutliple files concurrently using get -P: From the NEWS file: Version 4.8.0 - 2017-07-10 ... * get/mget/put/mput: add -P option for parallel transfers and long ...
Zilk's user avatar
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Ftp folder list recovery slow after changing internet provider

I've tried a few FTP servers connection and with different software, and they all have the same problem. The connection with the FTP server happens very quickly, but when I ask for the list of files ...
Baro's user avatar
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curlftpfs rw permission denied

i connect my macosx with server ftp with curlftpfs, because i must change one file in every subdir (500), and i do with shell script, but file give permission denied . this my script curlftpfs ftp://...
Oscardot's user avatar
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Unable to connect to SFTP server using a Public IP address [duplicate]

I have setup a SFTP server on my Personal PC. I have started the service with the following configuration: # This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file. See # sshd_config(5) for more ...
Arjun Starz's user avatar
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Issue while connecting a FTP server through public IP

I am using my personal PC to setup a FTP server. I have set with the following configurations: FTP config FTP site / folder settings is as follows: folder settings folder settings -2 I am able to ...
Arjun Starz's user avatar
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I cannot connect to the special "Sharing Only" user that macOS creates with the sole purpose of sharing files

I am attempting to access the Sharing Only user via SFTP through my Wi-Fi but I get the errors on the pictures. I have repeatedly confirmed that my password and user names are correct. The apps I use, ...
Coding Noob Unfiltered's user avatar
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I cannot connect SFTP over a cellular data network

On my iPhone 11 Max Pro, I am having trouble establishing SFTP connections with the Koder app, the Files app, and the Readdle Documents app to connect to my 2021 Macbook Pro 13". The problem is ...
Coding Noob Unfiltered's user avatar
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SFTP Server Host on Different Network

I'm a noob to setting up servers, so please bear with me! This feels like it should be a simple answer, but for the life of me I can't find a solution anywhere I look. I'm going to be setting up a ...
Ian Lance's user avatar
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Pure-FTPD : How to make anonymous/ftp user allowed to rename and delete file?

I have some kind of problem. I'm setting up hobby local ftp server in trusted network. I want to allow anon/ftp user to able to delete and rename file, but after many attempt tinkering with /etc/pure-...
Benyamin Limanto's user avatar
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How convert a folder to a signle file without compression and extra hard space

I have a server in another country with 5GB free space. In this server there is a folder with 60GB size. Problem is download this folder via ftp or http. In my area http is faster than ftp. As you ...
SMQS Manager's user avatar
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Creating an FTP server with user isolation

I created an FTP site with IIS but when I try to set up user isolation (user name physical directory), I am not able to connect anymore and the anonymous authentication doesn't work anymore. The ...
blin's user avatar
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How to access my files on 000webhost

I've set up WordPress site at 000webhost(dot)com as pre-step to figure things out before paying for domain and hosting. It was fine for few days. Thing is, available storage and inodes filled their ...
Greenmarty's user avatar
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Connection attempt failed with "ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt > timed out

I have installed vsftp. Sometime my ftp is working but sometimes not. I am getting error Status: Connection attempt failed with "ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out". I have talked to ...
Naren Verma's user avatar
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FTP: What happens if the file is modified while being uploaded?

I am wondering what would happen in that situation ? I tried to look online but could not find any clear answer. Let's say I have a huge file (few GB) that I want to transfert to a FTP server. I open ...
Azyrod's user avatar
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Trying to download multiple files with curl, files does not exist error

im having issues with curl again i am trying to understand but i do not understand it whatsoever the ...
NeatPace's user avatar
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425 Unable to build data connection FileZilla, using windows 11 FTP command

sorry for constantly asking for advice. I am trying to download files from my FileZilla server using the cmd command ftp This does indeed work, when the ports are set to 21 i can access the server and ...
NeatPace's user avatar
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How can I open files in a shared folder [duplicate]

I am sharing a hard drive attached to a Netgear router and can access and do anything with the files in Windows 10 File Explorer except open them directly from File Explorer. ...
andreyjc's user avatar
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How do i download all files of a certain filetype (.txt) in an FTP server with cURL?

I am trying to download all .txt files in an ftp server. The main usage or mission is to use wildcards, no specific file names. Download a singular file works with the following command: curl --user ...
NeatPace's user avatar
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lftp how to upload everything new inside a folder but not the folder itself

I have this script in the a Pipeline: lftp -c " set ftp:ssl-force true; set ssl:verify-certificate false; open -u $FTP_USER,$FTP_PASS $FTP_HOST; cd remote-folder; mirror -R -e -v -n ./...
Manuel Simões's user avatar
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Cannot list files & directories in Proftpd & SFTP mode

I'm running SFTP /proftpd# proftpd -V Compile-time Settings: Version: 1.3.7a (maint) Platform: LINUX [Linux 6.1.10-x86_64-linode159 x86_64] Built: Sat Sep 18 2021 21:42:19 UTC Built With: ...
Bartosz Wójcik's user avatar
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Unable to open any file from explorer after connecting FTP

We have uploaded the file through FTP by using FTP details programmatically. And it is opening the file when we are opening the shared folder or by going to the local drive. But not open when we ...
Bojjaiah's user avatar
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How can I copy and paste files within the File Explorer using ftp?

The Windows File Explorer lets me define a folder as a ftp location and I'm able to copy files into and out of the folders, but I'm not able to move files within the folder. e.g. If I want to move a ...
John's user avatar
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